So much of what I've learned started with a thought. So lately my thought has been spinning because of course I'm obsessed with yarn. So let's start with a basic Google search...
This seems like a good place to start.
OMG! That is so awesome. Alright now I want to spin with a drop spindle. Let's see if I can make one at home. Hello Google...
This is perfect! It will allow me to try it out without buying a thing!
Now I'm thinking of all the perle cotton thread I have that I can blend together to make thicker, multicolored thread. I'm so excited!
I have images of this dancing in my head:
And now I see my favorite yarn company, Fleece Artist, has roving dyed in their colors! Oh I so know what I'm doing tonight. Time to make a drop spindle and learn how to use it.
See this is why I have such a hard time staying on task. My brain is always leaping to the next exciting thing. Do you ever have problems focusing because there's just SO MUCH you want to try?