Spinning has taken over my life. Every day I spend time either processing fiber or spinning on my wheel. The most exciting thing ever is that I'm starting to find local fleeces! Not just sheep but alpaca and llama as well. I cannot express how exciting that is to me.
These are yarns I made right from start to finish. I scoured the fleeces, combed/carded, spun and finished them. This gives me happy feet. Such a feeling of accomplishment to be able to do all these things.
Working outside is kind of necessary since Hubby doesn't want the house smelling like sheep. I don't mind so much.
Once it's all washed, I lay it on sweater racks and let it dry in the sun. Then it can come inside for the rest of the processing. So my goal before the freeze starts is to get all roughly 40lbs of raw fleece washed and in the house. Yeah, I kinda went over board on the fleece buying. But now I have tonnes to work with! Woohoo!
So over the next couple weeks we'll explore my epic adventure working with raw fleece.