Thursday 10 April 2014

The journey of discovery

So much of what I've learned started with a thought. So lately my thought has been spinning because of course I'm obsessed with yarn. So let's start with a basic Google search...

This seems like a good place to start.

OMG! That is so awesome. Alright now I want to spin with a drop spindle. Let's see if I can make one at home. Hello Google...

This is perfect! It will allow me to try it out without buying a thing!

Now I'm thinking of all the perle cotton thread I have that I can blend together to make thicker, multicolored thread. I'm so excited!

I have images of this dancing in my head:

And now I see my favorite yarn company, Fleece Artist, has roving dyed in their colors! Oh I so know what I'm doing tonight. Time to make a drop spindle and learn how to use it.

See this is why I have such a hard time staying on task. My brain is always leaping to the next exciting thing. Do you ever have problems focusing because there's just SO MUCH you want to try?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! It's especially hard to focus on the first thing you wanted to try when you google something, and see three other cool things you suddenly want to try. (Not that that's a bad thing - it's one of the amazing things about the internet!) Thank goodness for Pinterest (or good 'ol bookmarking), so we can keep all of these pages in one place to come back to them later!
